
Television Ad

Vocal Characteristics


English (North American)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Blue. Jeffrey, it's your mother. Hey, Mom, how are you? I'm good. What are you doing? Well, I've been watching TV all day, but it's making my head spin. All these ads about Medicare. It's very confusing. What's the truth about Romney and write? The Romney Ryan plan does essentially end Medicare, and I don't like the sound of that. What I read said, seniors will wind up paying over $6000 more per year. It's a fortune to me, and Romney would make drastic cuts to Medicaid. To, you know, 2/3 of seniors rely on Medicaid for nursing home care. Boy, that's scary Here, Mom, Look, I'm on my computer. Go to this website Medicare Romney Ryan dot com and have a look for yourself. Okay, take care. It's a Medicare specific message targeting in a flattering and kindly way with a really good actress, right? Um, older voters who are concerned about Medicare