Commercial and Industrial voice over

Profile photo for Manny Mac Vela
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Guy next door, conversational, friendly, approachable, relatable, medium tones, professional. I have strong copy interpretation skills and take direction well.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There's a reason Red Baron Pizza is trusted in 26 million homes across the country. Pizza, Nirvana, Red Baron Pizza from the first bite to the last. I'm an avid runner so you won't catch me wearing any old running shoes. I have my standard Nike. Whether you're running training, we're just hanging out. The North Texas Renewable Energy Group provides resource is right at your fingertips whether you like to learn more about energy conservation, energy efficiency, sell electricity or other related topics. Our goal is to help educate people about renewable energy. Visit North Texas Renewable Energy group dot org's to learn more Food is a basic need on life necessity. What we eat or don't eat affects our mental, emotional and physical well being. Meals on Wheels is proud to provide programs that directly target the issues of poverty and hunger. Visit meals on wheels dot org's to learn more. My roommates and I rarely agree on anything, especially what to watch a Netflix Justin like zombies. Leo likes documentaries and I binge watch TV shows from the nineties. Netflix, whatever you want, whenever you want it, but they will want more. You know that, Sire. It is time to organize our forces. Way mustn't delay any further. I'm Mira will fall and the people will blame you for it. It was right here. I saw it for myself and Monta. She saw two. You have to believe me. Find Montara. She will tell you.