English British, Ethiopian accents, serious, young adult, fiction



The narrator uses an appropriately serious tone to this biographical account of young man's struggle to survive. African accented voices of the main characters are done in a culturally sensitive and regionally accurate manner of Southern Ethiopia.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


African (General) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
If someone had told Salva that he would live in the camp for six years, he would never have believed it. six years later, July 1991, they are going to close the camp, Everyone will have to leave. That is impossible. Where will we go? That is what they are saying. Not just this camp, all of them, the rumors getting around the camp, everyone was uneasy. As the days went by, the uneasiness grew into fear. Salva was almost 17 years old now a young man, he tried to learn what he could about the rumors. By talking to the aid workers in the camp. They told him that the Ethiopian government was near collapse. The refugee camps were run by foreign aid groups, but it was the government that permitted them to operate.