Automotive commercial voice over script sample: Otto's Used Cars

Profile photo for Mamatha krishna
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Otto's Used Cars is a used car dealership that normally targets families looking to upgrade their current vehicles through a trade. Through this campaign, we are trying to target students and young adults with a promotion.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Indian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
taking the band's visit. Jack I used to be late for classes all the time. And chasing after buses is not a to look. Likely taking public transportation is a thing of the past. For me hangs two orders. Used cars. I was able to buy a car that fit my budget and style, and now I arrive on time every time. For limited time orders. Cars is offering 50% of all 82 4020 Morris for students, and it's easy. Only have to do is show yesterday and I Dica and be handed the case to a brand new right hearin today and get to well so you can find Is it by two parts? Good orders. Used cars has something from every