General Voice Demo

Profile photo for Daniel Manjarres
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Normal narrative, young protagonist character, movie trailer persona

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, I'm Daniel Man Jars, and this is my voice, Riel. Welcome to Flow Zone. Your 21st century virtual office away from the Office Flow Zone is an augmented reality application that recreates the office environment for both individual employees and teams who are working remotely and need to foster a sense of connectivity from the home screen. You can click the landscapes button, which will send you to a landscape mode where you'll be provided with a variety of backgrounds to choose from. Today seems like an exciting day. I wonder what I'll come across today. What adventures await certain. Um, perhaps there's something tasty on the other side of town. Maybe Ms Johnson has some of those tuna sandwiches she gave me last week. That would be perfect, fishy and smelly. Just how I like my food. Life's always been a bit, well, dough for Mackenzie Woodcock, campsite after campsite, day after day, just cleaning up people's messes with no one around to talk to. Sure, he used to play bass in a band in high school, but that was 13 years ago. The human voice is generated when the lungs, the vocal, folds within the larynx or voice box and the articulate ER's work in harmony. The lungs provide the pump. They send air flow as well as control air pressure to the vocal folds.