Olderly man read

Profile photo for Mike Phipps
Not Yet Rated


This was a test read for narration between songs on a CD.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Oh, blue, Nice of you to drop by. I had something I wanted to share with you. I wanted to tell you a story about a life. My life. Actually. Although it could be a story about anybody's life, really, I'd be willing to bet you'll find parts similar to things you've gone through are perhaps, or even going through right now. You see, for all of us, life is like a river. It crashes over the rocks. It's filled with unexpected twists and turns. Peoples and events bring us from sadness to joy or success to failure. An emotion rains down upon its like strong is the rapids or his gentle is a pool. My life has been no exception, of course, on although I can now look back and share reflect the ride here was a little rough. As a young boy at a dream. It was an innocent dream. It was a dream of love and contentment, A dream of a simple life with an uncomplicated future. Then I got a little older and something does happen. Of course, when we start to grow, I remember my first kiss. I remember my first girlfriend holding hands going to movies being alone in the basement when it sure was awkward and scary. I mean, holding hands, kissing and what? God, I still get nervous inside just thinking about it. Through the years, love would come and go who is both exciting and heartbreaking. At times I thought a This is it. She's the one I would grasp. Battalions of infatuation, only to be dropped from the sky are deserted on a mountaintop. For me, love was paradox Riddle. Eventually my life settled down. I started a career, and since my world was fairly comfortable, unstable, I started paying more attention to the world around me. But reading the paper and watching the news made me painfully aware of how vicious and scary humanity really had become. Man made concepts like money, politics, racism, arbitrary borders. We call countries and, of course, religion all somehow drive people to commit atrocities on one another of effort proportions. Learning the Mount them in history class was one thing. But seeing them happen every day in real life, her cringing, I had to wonder if there was a god. How is he really feeling about all this? My dream was shattered. The world seemed pointless, bleak darkness surrounding me, I felt I felt helpless. I was very lucky, though I had some good friends in my life. And if things started to get too depressing, I could always meet them down at Sam's place for a couple of cold ones, maybe a game of pool, a few laughs and some good music. Pretty much that was the cure for just about anything. One night I stayed a little later than usual when that's when it happened, my friends and all going home. And I stayed for just one last drink. I was about to leave, and all of a sudden there she waas that was it. She had my heart. Now I have to tell you, when I fall, I fall deep. When it comes to love, I give myself fully No looking back because I always said that you'll never know when your soul mate will show up, and I would always be ready when she arrived. And when she did that night, she colored my world in a way I never imagined. At that point, it was happier than ever. It was amazing, But even though I had found love my life, the world continue rushing around me. Unfortunately, the next twist broad a new kind of heartache when a dear friend of mine died unexpectedly. We've just spoken to him three days earlier. Death is powerful in many ways. Yes, pain and grief for a part of it. But it also has the potential to shake up your life and hope you see things in a different way. It can help you sort out what is really, really important to you. So when I look back in my life, remember all the twists and turns, relations and heartache. But what I noticed was the one force that remained consistent through all of it. The one true power that stretches to infinity in back. The thing that glues all of existence together. And I beg you, don't let yourself get caught or consumed with the my of life that would blind you toe what is really there. So here we are, my friends sitting together on this hillside looking out of this crazy world. What I can tell you is this In the end, my dream did become my life. The truth is that when I show compassion and Grant forgiveness When I listen more than I talk When I smile when I reach out to others when I'm generous with my love and don't expect anything in return that's when living got uncomplicated I'm now content in my world is filled with love I hope this visit brought you what you were looking for. But no matter what, remember, always be here whenever you need me.