Commercial Demo - Youthful - Teen - Fast Talker - Smart - Young Mom

Television Ad


Compilation Commercial Demo

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Most people listen to their favorite tunes on the radio. I listen to mine on my wireless phone every time it rings how you ask easy. I say a special ringtone from singular from camp Camp Camp Camp Camp camp camp camp and everyone told her that no one likes chrissy from camp. It's over 100 degrees in the shade. You go out of your way to walk through sprinklers and outdoor activities take place before the roosters get up. Fortunately you're real close to a cool blue summer oasis. Just log on to www. Dot clue into safety dot com and you'll find lots of great games designed to teach kids how to play and be safe all around the neighborhood. I'd like a stro signature please. Sure. I just have a few questions. Is that a clipboard? Clearasil, Acne defense cleanser, unclog pores, kills bacteria and clean steep down. You'll see the proof in the mirror. Clear self. Clearly looking better. Yeah.