Apogee Electronics

Profile photo for Marco Martinez
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Explaining what Apogee is and how they've successfully overcome 2020 with providing classes and outsourcing other networks. Straight and thorough promotion of the company.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
add apogee. We live and breathe higher education, asking ourselves each day how we can help you foster student success and vitality. The answer comes in how we work tirelessly to deliver the modern campus network you need to win in the pandemic era and beyond. In 2020 you moved instruction online at blazing fast speed. Now blended learning is here to stay. Let's continue to enhance traditional learning with online modalities and ensure the network is ready. The stakes are high to align pedagogy and technology. It's time to right size. Right sizing is not cutting your way to stability, but instead you disinvest in activities that no longer serve your institution and reinvest in those that matter. You have 99 jobs. Outsourcing your network helps you focus on innovation by offloading network management refreshes and day to day support and headaches. Apogee delivers a suite of managed campus services. For example, advanced network access control modern WiFi and wired networks around the clock support and world class VPN and security Eliminate the pain and risk of lock device management, annual budget uncertainty and equipment churn and enjoy the freedom to focus on strategic projects that differentiate apogee commits to provide you deep technical expertise, financial stability, operational excellence and cultural alignment to your institutions, mission and goals. Let's create the space you need to innovate and transform your institution. Learn more at apogee dot us.