PSA/Documentary Demo

Profile photo for Mario Parody
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Voice overs for various PSA and documentary/educational-style videos. A PSA style is done for information about new social security benefits, and documentary-style examples for use in discussing new city projects and about current state powerplants.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Villanova College of Professional Studies believes you are who you have been chosen. Maybe you're a working professional with bigger plans or a bucket lister with unfinished business. Maybe you're ready to pivot into an entirely new calling. Whatever your reason for returning to school, we offer rigorous programs for learners of all ages to balance life commitments with life ambitions. Because here transformation has no limit. Villanova College of Professional Studies pursue the next you welcome to the bus transformation project, Open house Metro and the other local bus operators in the region launched the bus transformation project to transform local bus in the Washington region, improved service and customer experience and create a more cohesive area wide bus system, whether you're young or old, male or female, single or with a family. This video is for and about you. That's because Social Security has programs that affect everybody. This presentation was prepared by the Social Security Administration and tells you what you need to know about Social Security while still working and what you need to know when it's your turn to collect benefits. It also provides an overview of Medicare and supplemental security income benefits. Let's trace Tennessee Valley Authority's nuclear history and go on a virtual tour of several of the facilities T. V. A. began building nuclear plants in the 1960s, responding to the growing prosperity of the Tennessee Valley and the rising demand for power today. T. V. A. S. Three nuclear plants. Brown's Ferry, Sequoyah and Watts Bar provided about 30% of TVs power supply. The six operating reactors provide more than 6900 MW of clean, safe and affordable electricity enough to serve more than 3.5 million homes in the Tennessee Valley. Have a look at these towers. Most people think that these are unique to nuclear power facilities. That's yet another urban myth. Even at our fossil fuel plants where we burn coal, these towers are used to release wasted heat or steam into the atmosphere.