Political Demo

Television Ad


Bipartisan political demo, open to record for any party/issue

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
charlie baker, A champion for education choice 4000 seats added to vocational and technical schools in massachusetts. The cap on public charter schools lifted for improving our public schools, reforming outrageous college tuition and giving your Children the best path that's right for them, not for teachers unions, charlie baker for massachusetts governor. They just don't get it. Republican leadership continues to ignore the people when it comes to health care, repealing the A. C. A. With no backup plan. Leaving millions uninsured de funding Medicaid, working with big pharma to keep your prescription drug prices and deductibles high enough is enough. Call your Republican senators and let them know affordable health care is here to stay Elizabeth Warren, the senator of the people really apple $272,000 in campaign contributions Amazon 238,000 google 681,000 companies that stifle wage growth, import cheap H. One B. Labor and ship job after job overseas Elizabeth Warren, the senator of the people. The numbers say otherwise. Proposition 16 would put Nevada into an immediate energy crisis, fossil fuels would be completely phased out by 2030 with the energy infrastructure for three million people dependent on enormous wind and solar farms, none of which will even start construction until 2027 thousands of jobs lost millions in new taxes and an energy plan that just plain doesn't make sense. Vote no on 16 because what good is clean energy if there's no energy