American Accent Reel



For your delectation or amusement ;) It is the accent I use at HBO, if that counts for anything...

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
hand for catastrophe signal received. Unable to determine current location or cruise status, please advise over. Well, I think I was about 12 years old. The first time I went skiing, my dad decided to take the entire family and make it a Christmas tradition. I was at that age where anything with the family was miserable. So of course I didn't want to go. But I remember having a blast. I remember standing at the top of the hill and thinking it was the biggest hill I had ever seen, even though it was quite small. On the second. The instructor help me, I thought the wind in my face. I felt like I could take on the world. I was probably going about two miles an hour. It's one of the greatest memories I have with my family year after year, and I think that's why we go back. It's just a part of us now. You know, it's It's where I learned to ski. Mission Control. The North Star four. Catastrophic event detected all systems critically damaged and offline. Survivors initiate hand for catastrophe protocol. Northstar four. We are standing by for survivor confirmation and contact. That's how the cookie crumbles. Not as fun to say if the bag breaks on the cookie is indeed crumbling into the deep crevices off your car seats. Life needs it. Block Mission Control to North Star for communications. Mainframe offline. Hand for catastrophe. Protocol remains critical. Path to copy. North Star forward. This is Mission Control. Do you copy?