Matthew Myslinski - AUDIO GUIDE DEMO

Profile photo for Matthew Myslinski
Not Yet Rated
Voice Assistant


This is my general demo reel that includes self-recorded and self-mixed pieces which demonstrate my skills as an audio guide at museums, exhibitions, attractions, resorts, and more.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to the Jim Henson Museum located on the very Creek where Jim first thought up his alter ego and good friend, Kermit the frog. Many of Jim's creations are on display here. Let's go say hello to some of the more colorful resident characters. Welcome to Titanic. The exhibition. Please remain in this orientation area while we introduce the tour and explain how this easy to use device can make your exhibition experience more rewarding. Before we begin, please take a look at your listening device. You can select any numbered object in the exhibit simply by typing in its number, using the keyboard on the front of the wand. This allows you to wander freely throughout the exhibit, but we will lead you sequentially. As your first choice, you will lose nothing in the narrative by moving ahead or back at your own choosing. Hello, you've arrived at Incline Village in scenic Lake Tahoe. Click, enter now to join our virtual tour of magnificent Village features. Click on any of the five tabs, golf, tennis skiing event and meeting facilities or local attractions for a close up. Look, click the red pause button or the yellow zoom button. At any time to take in even more detail. Visit, frequently ask questions by clicking the facts icon. It's located at the top right of your screen. Now, let's get started.