Explainer Series - National Aquarium - English

Profile photo for Christopher Mattle
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Video Narration


This is from an explainer series I voiced for National Aquarium

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Lionfish are delicious. Ceviche fish, Tacos, Lionfish, tempura. Look, I'm sorry, I know they're super cool looking, but the fact is you should eat them. Also known as turkey fish, butterfly cod and the more menacing devil fire fish line fish are native to the south pacific and indian oceans. They're also quite popular as home aquarium pets. Unfortunately, someone must have grown tired of the lionfish take on bali hai and released their pets in the early eighties belly high. You know from south pacific, It's a musical set in the region where lionfish are from. Anyway, this unnatural introduction into the Atlantic Ocean where they have no natural predator has caused a boom in lionfish population. The problem is these pint sized Gangsters will eat 56 different types of fish and are capable of destroying 90% of a coral reef. It's a common misconception that lionfish are poisonous. The fact is they have 18 venomous spines which of course need to be carefully removed before you add the garlic and lemon zest. Do you like fish? Tacos start with one cup sour cream and whisk with one quarter cup of mint cilantro and two tablespoons of sriracha sauce set aside. Now let's put our saute pan on medium heat with a quarter cup of olive oil. You'll want to spice the lionfish with your favorite seasoning in seared to perfection, served the lionfish with some warm corn tortillas, PICO de, Gayo and the sour cream concoction. Congratulations. You're an Ecologist, a chef, a chef Ecologist, there are so many ways to enjoy this tasty invasive main course, So dredge that sucker and batter and fry into lightly golden because lionfish are delicious.