Video Narration


Conversational, friendly, sincere delivery

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
That's why we're proactive about adapting your plan, keeping you on course and providing you with strategies that no one else can. Because the truth is we're about more than planning your future. We're about accelerating it. Energy is the oxygen of the economy and the life blood of growth for any country. Three decades of excellence has made us a major driver of Pakistan's economy and one of the largest production and exploration companies in Pakistan. While some of these things have gone out of style designers air, bringing the best of seventies fashion back into the mainstream, grab your rose tinted sunglasses and dust off your bell bottoms because the seventies are back in full force this season, you're a person, not a credit score. But when you have less than perfect credit and need a personal loan, banks don't see a person. They see that score. That's why we created net credit. You can borrow up to $10,000 even if your credit isn't perfect. There was a time not that many years ago, when seeing a doctor meant opening your front door. After all, home is where your medical care began Today. House calls may not be as common as you may remember, but that doesn't mean you can't bring back the good old days.