Narration and documentary



Narration, Television narration and documentary, educational, confident, warm and believable

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
three human body is beautiful. The most complex organism on Earth way are capable of extraordinary things, pushing ourselves to the limit way. We're in the midst of a Nen enormous paradigm shift in what we think about the limits of human life. This special sheds new light on the miracle of us. Bob Dylan was once considered a phenomenon because he recorded his first album at the age of 20. Beetles were, among other things, the first boy band, but it's worth asking. What kind of music would they have made it? Dylan first had served time as the wisecracking sidekick on the Nickelodeon show, and the Beatles had been brought to market by Simon Cowell's. These couples have one month to renovate and sell their new investment, and it won't be easy. The kitchen floor was sinking in, well, beginner's luck. Healthy couples cash in, Or will these real estate movies find themselves over their heads and over budget? Although Lewis has never been violent, he has shown a jealous side. Lewis knows that Tina keeps a knife in the dresser. Tina pleads with Lewis not to do anything stupid for the sake of the Children, including his baby girl asleep in the crib. But he strikes Theresa and Thurman wider, suing their sons, former friend 18 year old Emma Davis, for crashing their car when she took it on a joy ride. That's not true. Three judges go back into our chambers. Three opinions. There should be some fire worlds. One bird in a court of law. This is called Ah hot bench.