Storytelling for children. English.

Profile photo for Mauro Blanco
Not Yet Rated

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Once upon a time, there were four little rabbits and their names were Flopsy, mops, see Cotton tail and Peter. They lived with her mother in a sandbank underneath the root off a very big fir tree. One bright day in late autumn, family of bands were bustling about in the warm sunshine, drying up the grain they had stored up during the summer when the starving grass hopper, his fiddle under his arm, came up and humbly bagged for a bite to eat. What cried the ants and surprise heaven to stored anything away for the winter. What in the world were you doing all last summer? I didn't have time to store up any food. Wind the grass hopper. I was so busy making music that before I knew it, this summer was gone. The tree roots grew among heaps of rocks, and there, beneath a cliff, the sneaky fox known as Mr Todd made his home. It wasa at the top of a steep bank, with rocks and bushes slightly covering far out in the ocean. The water is as blue as the battles of the loveliest cornflower and as clear as the purest glass. But it's very deep, too. It goes down deeper than any anchor rope will go. And many, many steeples would have to be stacked one on top of another to reach from the bottom of the surface of the sea. It is down there that the sea full cliff.