E-Learning & Training


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
welcome to this Web based training. We want to target our investment in brands and solutions to where we'll have the most impact. Thie objective of this training video is to show you how to see the performance of a single domain in a country how to compare demeans performance against competitors. The data options available, the philtres and actions available. The review and approval process has been designed to meet a clear set of criteria. Read the on screen information before selecting the out of scope button, click or terp, the start final assessment button to begin. Hello and welcome to this training video for the Yaling t 46. In this video, we're going to show the main features of your new handset, along with some tips on how to handle calls in the most efficient manner. Welcome to our Scenarios module. We have two scenarios for you demonstrating the opportunity CR M two presents for you, RBC and our clients. Before you start, make sure you've got a good quality metal tape measure. It will help you take really accurate dimensions. It's worth printing off our measure forms to note down your sizes, too