Max Howarth Commercials Reel 2023

Television Ad


Commercials, explainers and brand films that I've voiced recently.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC) Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Are you constantly stressing out over phone bills? Wondering how, where and who is blowing up the numbers? You need my call. It's a VoIP service that can help you save up to 75% on your monthly phone bills. They say life comes at you fast, but don't worry, it'll grow on you. Things change and so do we so do our perspectives. This is the beating heart for trade throughout Britain and its success beats harder today than it did over 50 years ago. Connected to every corner of the world. We are an operations giant delivering precision with efficiency. In the end. We're all brothers. Our brotherhood is alive, moving and power. A true balance, harmonious in its entirety with endless variety at Arnold Clark. We know finding the best deal on your next car can be tough. That's why we always guarantee the best used car deals in the UK. And if you buy a used car right now, we'll give you a free service plan on top. If you've ever thought about starting your own business, Amazon's delivery service partner program could be the way to do it every day. Millions of customers order items from Amazon. Those orders get packaged at Amazon's fulfillment centers and sent to delivery stations in the world of investments. We believe that expertise overcomes complexity allowing investors to navigate the market with confidence. Ah, there it is the life of an investment accountant, analytical dynamic and downright rewarding if you have the right service for it. After a long cold winter spring has sprung. The forest comes to life after a long nap In his cave, the rare creature emerges from hibernation. He hasn't eaten in six months with his fat stores depleted. He is starving at the beginning of every new dawn, every new day. We have been there. We have been there, shining light on new life. We have been there providing light and lives. You must always remember. We are still there doing what's never been done before. Starts by reaching into the unknown. Sometimes there's nothing but empty space but sometimes we make a connection, an act, an idea, an insight, a conversation or a new experience can change everything.