Michelle Campbell - Commercials


Vocal Characteristics


English (North American)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
new Neutrogena deep, clean, immigrating ultra phone cleanser has a tingly, cool ultra phone that is so exhilarating you feel totally energized. Totally not boring progressive wishes. They could insure you against everything. But for now, they can just offer you really simple car insurance when you need some, think progressive and visit teens dot progressive dot com Progressive car insurance Simple. Compare hundreds of travel sites at once. Kayak Search one and done Hey, it's me water. Did you know that if you filter me from your tap, I'm pretty much the same as I am in a plastic bottle except that in like, 10 times cheaper? Oh, and I'm fresher when I'm filter and I don't need an expiration date, but other than that, pretty much the same.