How I Wound up in a Women's Jail

Profile photo for Ayana McKenzie
Not Yet Rated


This demo is taken from the first few chapters of a novel. It is meant to showcase audio book reading skills.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I think I should start this off by saying that I am the last person on earth you would expect to end up a political prisoner except maybe borough IVs and I think he might be dead. I mean, I, um hardly to type. I'm much more likely to be compared to Madonna than Mandela. At least I waas before all this happened. I've been in a lot of places and fantasized about being on a lot of others, but I certainly never dreamed I'd end up in the Hardwicke Women's Correctional Institute. Granted, I have my own trailer, which we call Tara on them a load. Special privileges. But let no one believe that these gifts flow from the benevolence off the great state of Georgia. They're both for the benefit and convenience of the national news media. On a political concession to the thousands of people who come here regularly and chant my name at the gates, they say that some people are born great, some people aspire to greatness, and some people have greatness thrust upon them. I I'm clearly in the third category on At this point, I'd like to thrust it right back. I certainly wasn't born great. I grew up the third on Invisible Child of Five, the brain in the family that valued Onley athletic achievement. For all the hoopla about my looks, I wasn't considered the beauty in my family. That honor went first to my elder sister G, who was even briefly a runway model, then to my baby sister, Bobby, who waddled through junior high and metamorphosed in her sophomore year into a teen queen. I was a bored and uninspired student at Miss Porter's until I was axed to leave. On the second of me, my junior year. My Crime, who was substituted Marvin Gaye's Let's Get It On for the Traditional, made a processional on the school's loudspeaker. The audience loved it, but the May queen, whose father was on the board of trustees, was not amused. So I finished my secondary school career at Girls Preparatory School. The yearbook at GPS doesn't list me in the senior honor section, although I was the president of the S S. D s secret Senior Drinking Society as well as the holder of the record for the most classes skipped in a year, 200 on five