Michael Donovan - Commercial

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What price will you pay for victory? You get up before dawn, eat nothing but pure protein for the rest of your life. Sleep on a rock and a cave full of Cobra's, knowing that every breath you take laughs in the face of death. Or will you click an iPad? You know, like this. Everyone's a winner with connecting. Win it your local GMC dealer Hello, America, and welcome to Nissan's cross country sales event. Your chance to get great deals on Nissan's All across America. Really in health, Taking care of New Jersey Buy honey Hope your sister's baby showers going well, kids and I just got to Legoland. Call your own lunchtime. Say bye to Mama forwards. Build a raft River life changing. Honey, I know it's late. Just a couple more rides and don't worry about missing out. I got its annual and by a little divine beauty. What would you like the wizard to do for you? I'd like to go home with a milk and cheese up your and organic. Don't keep guessing. Get the complete picture with pay per view on AT and T Digital cable, plus easy ordering more start times and greater convenience. Upgrade your pay per view. Upgrade to A T and T Digital little there. So, have you made money off the Internet yet? There's $10 on your computer right now, except you can't see it because it's in cyber space. Coffin was closing the lid shut tight from the doorbell, rang that salary night. So I threw upstairs my capable of others. Her single, the scares and courses I will be kids above. Oh, bubbles the clown. Is everybody ready for some big birthday fun? You've got to hurry to the ultimate minivan event. Get into your Northern California. Chrysler and Plymouth dealers hits the new place to be and the only place to buy a special man. It's the bride. Me. Sorry, Elaine. She sold Jack's old bass boat in The Chronicle. Classified went just like that. I love that boat. He is a happy ending now. Courts rackets and balls Coming kids sizes This weekend. Safeway, we've got an amazing price. Slice freshly baked apple eyes for a dollar each. Hello, Nigel. Here, GT Milburn. It has asked me to lend my refined voice to this offer. Wait a minute. I could see more by talking more. That's unbelievable, because because I love to talk. Nobody talks better and may have off. The more I doctor was told they were closing in fast. I was running. I was scared. I was starving. Beats running around with cereal. You ever get that feeling when you're shopping on the Net? That says, Is this really the lowest price? Well, maybe you should get a NextCard Internet visa. Nextcard dot com Internet Shopping as it should be They're young man. I'm from the law offices of Swindle Horn. Swagel in Steve. Yes, seems you sold the family secret recipe to a restaurant called Royal Ford. I'm Mr Big and I like big deals called out a deal. Wow, that's definitely big, but it's no big deal. My idea of a big deal is in the big beef burrito from Taco Bell. It's just 99 cents. Now that's big. So I walk into a chili's and I see these boneless buffalo wings, and I say, How did you get the bones out? And they say that was the easy part. Finding a buffalo with wings now that took some effort