Girl on a Train

Profile photo for Meegan Finn
Not Yet Rated


It is my first. just a little excerpt of a Thriller but I intend to add many different genres

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
when they therefore we're conta getting I asked of him say, Lord, right now at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel And he said unto them, and is not free to know the Times or the seasons, which is the father has put in his own power. I remember guys who wrote a book proposal eight reasons Why the Lord returned in 1988. I talked with some people. I honestly believe thing. What he said was true with all their heart. They were counting on the Lord, coming back in 1980 of course, being happy. So then he wrote a book detail E 99 Reasons for the Lord returned in 1989 and people bought that book to that. I totally missed it. I had a bunch of folks still came out and swollen very next they had seen How dumb can you get and still breathe x 1 67 They saying that you can't know the time or the same thing that Jesus coming back to holy establishes. Someone tells you that they know that they're predicting some date when you can just right be abad across their forehead. That's old testament terminology for the glory has departed. I guarantee there in deception, and it's not gone immediately after The Lord say you don't have power or authority concerning those kinds of things because the father has preserved in himself, Tom, you say. But he shall receive power. After that, the Holy Ghost has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses aren't me. Both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and on to the uttermost part of Peter. Jesus told his disciples You have power to be a witness. Think about it. The Lord would never give you a position without also giving you the authority to executing and accomplish what he told you to do. So with this power to be a witness comes in authority to be a witness and all the responsibility that goes along with it. Painter, exercise this power and the ability to be a witness with the following God's leading to Cornelius his house. There was a certain man in CAS area called Kourtney gets a centurion of the bone, all of the Italian band a development and one that feared God. All his house, which played much homes, pray to God Always. He saw in a vision, evidently about the ninth hour of the day, an angel of God coming into and saying OK or numbness. And when he looked on him, he was afraid. So what is it? Horse? And he said on TV, But prayers and nine arms our come up for a memorial before God and now send men to hope and call for one sign. Whose surnames Peter the largest was one Simon 10. His house to see some. I shall tell thee what thou artist did you? An angel appeared to the censure and said, Cornelius, marriage about man, God has heard your prayers. Now sent to hope and ask for Peter. Come and tell you how to be pulling again. Writing this angel. Tell Cornelius the constable, that would have been much more efficient than sending men on the Tempe journey. One way to bring Peter back. Why didn't the same just tell us how to before it again? The answer is simple. God gave power and authority to people to preach the gospel, not angels. Angels don't have the authority to preach the gospel we do. God has limited himself to preaching the gospel from people. God's plan is for us to teach the truth of the Gospel and for people to hear it before it again. Can the incorruptible seed of God's were, however, say has coming through with just teaching, saying You don't have to share God's where? Just pray them into the kingdom. So now there are all these Christians who are praying and asking God to save people and they never share the gospel with. I've actually met people before you say they are Prayer warriors will never get out of their closet. They're careless is so long you can't even read it in all one hour and diligently worked through their list and pray for every day. But they won't witness to a neighbor. I don't talk to people at the grocery store. I wouldn't speak to their mailman. I don't share the word anyone, but they're praying for a great move of God. That is the subject. It doesn't happen that way. You can pray a person going to the Kingdom of God