Commercial Reel

Profile photo for Megan Galloway
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


A collection of demo commercials.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Meghan Galloway. If you're gonna eat a cookie, eat a cookie. Pepperidge Farm Never an ordinary day There is something about a Jenelle pre temp woman. It's not how she looks. It's not how she walks. It's not how she smiles. But when you're near a Jenelle pre temp woman, you know it. It's amazing. I never thought one serial would make my whole family stay for breakfast. Honey. Bunches of oats. There's never been cereal like it. My old allergy medicine left me in a fog. Now I'm Claritin clear. Claritin relieves my worst allergy symptoms without making me drowsy. Who wants to spend their day in a fog? Irresistible, Provocative, unforgettable. It's much more than a lipstick. It's a state of mind. New shine lover by Lancome Dare to shine