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Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
well, Good morning. Connecticut lawmakers have yet to finish work on the new state budget, but the state's comptroller is already warning it could be $500 million in the red. Controller Nancy Wyman warns that if revenue trends from the first quarter of the new fiscal year continued, the state's general fund will be short by more than half a billion dollars. President Barack Obama is coming to Connecticut to help raise money for US Senator Chris Dodd. Obama will appear in the state on October 23rd, and the New York Daily News is reporting that Red Sox Hall of Famer Ted Williams severed head was mistreated at an Arizona cryonics facility. Sporting News From the WPL Our sports desk Yesterday, the Red Sox beat the Indians. That score was three to nothing. Uh, the Yankees didn't play. They play tonight against Tampa and the Mets didn't play as well. 99 1 PR, Chazz and age in the morning, 6 15