Commercial Compilation - Meliset Abreu

Profile photo for Meliset Abreu
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


A commercial compilation in a variety of contexts and points of view.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the modern world, a clash of endless noise and racing thoughts. You deserve peace of mind wherever you are. That's why we created the namaste app for your phone. This is Petey. He's such a good boy. This is angel. She's adorable and I love her. I'm Jackie and I'm a screened certified dog walker for wag. I specialize in dog behavior, medical care for dogs. And I also just love dogs. Take a tour of our award winning on site winery and with more than seven additional vineyards nearby, Our resort promises a delightful retreat from the rest of the world. Gentle springs resort where relaxation and culinary delights await you. I'm ginger Vitis. I'm what happens when you don't treat plaque on your teeth and that's fantastic for little old me. It's like a day spa in your mouth, you know, anyhoo. Listerine has essential oils that could have kept me out of your mouth and left your breath smelling fresh as a minty breeze. From building an emergency fund to saving for a down payment for a house. The services and rates we have will accelerate you towards achieving your goals. Why just reach goals when you can blow them away. Learn more about all the great things we do at Ally Bank dot com at the Keller Science Museum. We believe that building scientists for the future is less about staring at stuff on the walls and more about getting your hands dirty. So come to Keller and let's get weird. This is melissa to Broadview. Thanks for listening