Audiobook demos



Narrative reading style, inflections for characters.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
2.2 Living well within our control. Choosing to live well involves not only conscious decision making but also recognizing the habits we have that positively or negatively influence our health and wellness. Further developing healthier habits frees up time and energy that could be better used for more challenging situations, including breaking less positive habits. Finally, recognizing and changing habits that have a negative influence on our health and wellness can have lasting benefits. What is public speaking? 1.1 Compare and contrast, Public speaking and conversation. Public speaking is the process of presenting a spoken message to an audience. Small or large, you hear speeches almost every day when watching the news, listening to an instructor's lecture or viewing a late night comedian. The skill of public speaking builds upon the same communication processes you use in your normal everyday conversations. Speaking in public, however, requires you to sharpen existing communication skills and to learn and apply new ones. There are three key differences between conversation and public speaking. Public speaking is more prepared than conversation, although there may be times when you are asked to speak on the spur of the moment, you will usually know in advance if you will be expected to give a talk on the specific occasion, a public speaker may spend hours or even days planning and practicing his or her speech. Public speaking is more formal than conversation, the slang or casual language that we often using conversation is not appropriate for most public speaking Audiences. Expect speakers to use standard English grammar and vocabulary. A public speakers Delivery is also more formal than the way most people engage in ordinary conversation. She said she wanted an apron. Funny thing toe want for There isn't much to get you dirty in jail, Goodness knows, but I suppose just to make her feel more natural, she said they was in the top drawer in this cupboard. Yes, here. And then her little shawl that always hung behind the door. Yes, here it is. Yes, Mrs Hale. Oh, I don't know. Mr Peter says It looks bad for her. Mr. Henderson is awful sarcastic in a speech, and he'll make fun of her saying she didn't wake up Chapter nine supporting your speech learning objectives. After studying this chapter, you should be able to 9.1 explain the four purposes of supporting materials. 9.2. Develop supporting materials that are appropriate to your topic, your audience and yourself as the speaker. 9.3. Apply the seven guidelines for evaluating the validity and strength of your evidence. 9.4 Cite sources while delivering your speech. When you think of an argument, you likely think of two people trying to persuade each other. In the real sense, however all public speaking his argument, we should speak and accept ideas on Lee. If they're supported with sufficient evidence and reasoning, speakers must prove what they assert whether they are a politician speaking about tax increases. A teacher delivering a lesson on world war or an exercise instructor informing and persuading the class to perform listener should think critically and evaluate the merits of any statement based on evidence the speaker offers for its support. As you learned in Chapter eight, we recommend applying a formula for structuring each major idea in your speech. This pattern, called the four SS strategy, consists of sign posting, stating, supporting and summarizing each key idea. In this chapter, we focus on the third of these four s is supporting your major ideas. You will learn more about the purposes of supporting materials, and we will discuss seven types you can use Finally, will suggest ways to evaluate evidence and how decided to ensure that you communicate your ideas clearly, memorably and authoritatively. For an overview of some of the content will cover in this chapter, watch the following video before moving on to the next section.