Explainer videos

Video Narration


Conversational and explanatory.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
does it seem like? No matter what you do, your company suffers from turnover, disengagement and low productivity. Does this feeling leave you asking yourself why call spec. We can answer the Why question for you At spec. We help you create an Omni Channel work experience that brings your talent solutions together, taking your company to high tiered competitive performance. Imagine utilizing the Internet in a way that changes the circumstances of your everyday life, a community of people who come together and take control of their reality. A society of consciously aware individuals who understand change requires a collective effort. Becoming a part of our society is about taking advantage of the digital era we live in. You're no longer aimlessly scrolling and sharing content with no purpose. Instead, you're being compensated for your social engagement. Come Journey with True True Community Cares New Tele Care program Colorado 65 plus population is projected to grow by 35,000 annually through 2030. The community needs to address this unprecedented growth by investing. Resource is into innovative health care models such as truce, tele care, truce, tele care will reduce waiting time. Increase access to consistent care decrease hospital admissions and increase education and confidence for patients and families. So you've got a smartphone and the smart family. But do you have a smart home? If not, then you are like Mariam. She is planning on her business trip. But with the increasing break ins, robbery and theft in the neighborhood, Mariam is worried about the safety of her home and loved ones. Well, this is when she came across Kuwait's security system, which offer smart home security solutions that allows you to monitor and interact with your home remotely.