
Profile photo for Melissa Tradewell
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


This is a sample of a grouping of commercial demos.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
are you gonna let germs live in your mouth rent free in this housing market? Kick germs to the curb with Listerine. Feel the whoa! I'm a party girl at heart. But I also have like a job so I keep the party in my coffee with international delight, caramel, macchiato this way no one will ever know. It's hard to think about but imagine how hard it is for these animals being abused and neglected every day. Go to humane dot org and be the hero they need. One day I looked around my apartment and thought this is not what I dreamed of. So I went to IKEA and made it that way. Make the dream yours. We've all got our own skincare routine. But what if you could ditch the tricks and get better results in less time hydro boost from Neutrogena? You don't have to be a gym rat. You just need to be you always moving always living fit, fit.