News Reading Sample

Profile photo for C Mercy Eunice
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It is a sample of news reading

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Native American (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Good morning. Today's Headlines international With the first wave of Corona virus peaking, W. H O says me to put up a fight Now, Dr Michael Leon said, the world will be in much better at fighting. Oh, second way if people can learn the lessons of fighting the first rate, the World Health Organization's emergencies chief says, We need to put up a fight now during a peak in the current weight of the Koran, a wire is pandemic. Rather than focusing on Went a second baby might come, Dr Michael Reon said the world will be much better at fighting a second wave if people can learn the lessons of fighting first base W H O officials emphasize must wearing social distancing and hygiene by unusual, along with contact tracing and tracking of cases by health authorities as keys strategies to find the virus. They say governments and unusual should contar their policies and behaviour based on the outbreak status in their countries. Reon said the world was experiencing a second weight in the first day, a situation in which the widest has bean suppressed enough. That's all for today's news. Thank you