Gerhard's Appliances Endless Summer Sale

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Video Narration


Audio for Gerhard's Appliances Endless Summer Sale that was used for Spotify, Pandora and Youtube Pre-Roll video ads

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Gephardts appliance wants to know what endless summer means to you, endless summer. To me, it's like having a clean pair of board shorts, like hitting the sheriff, letting mommy Ocean just wrap her salty arms around me with like a gnarly wave that kind of just carries me back home. Well, we can definitely help you with those shorts being clean with this gigi top load washer with stainless steel tub. It's just 579 during their herds appliances. Endless summer sale. Okay, cool. Yeah, I mean that's that's a great price only at Gerrard's appliances, where 75 years of small business is like kind of a big deal, wow. Yeah, no.