

Male&Female&Female Scene 1st Person

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
so janie. Did you know that lenny works at the hospital? Mom asked. I stabbed a carrot with my fork. No. Um what do you do there? I asked, trying to sound interested. I work in the lab, he said, still not looking up from his plate. It's a great job, said mom, nodding at me. Yeah. It uh sounds very interesting. I searched for a word other than disgusting. Out of nowhere, he asked, do you know how many parasites and bacteria can live in fecal matter? My jaw dropped and I shot my mother a look of horror. My father, who had been quietly trying to ignore the conversation, stopped his fork halfway to his mouth and stared at his pot roast before putting it back on the plate. Lenny seemed unfazed by everyone else's reaction and kept talking. E coli is particularly rampant. My mother, sensing discomfort, tried to change the subject. So lenny, your mother tells me you're not dating at the moment. He shoveled the pot roast into his mouth and shook his head. No, our Jamie here isn't seeing anyone right now either. I looked at my mother totally confused. Why would he care if I was dating? I wondered, I sure as **** didn't want to think about the kind of woman that would date. Lenny, janey's just been through a bad breakup. That's why I thought the two of you should get together. She said, a look of terror flashed across my face, My eyes widened, my brows arched even higher. Was I understanding her. Did she want me and sick boy to console each other to hang out? Be buddies? Um, mom, I think we need more gravy, I said, standing up and grabbing the gravy boat nonsense. She said, there's plenty of gravy. No, mom. I think we need more. And I clenched my teeth and I think you should come with me to get it.