Car Radio

Profile photo for Michael Alexander
Not Yet Rated


Comedy Radio segment for a play titled “Pigs In Blankets” based on “buddy-cop” movie genre.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, I'm not heavy chase. And oddly enough, you are, we interrupt this broadcast for a special report live on abc one oh 4.7, the home of Manhattan's Top 40. Hi, I'm jennifer bruckheimer. And here's what's making news reports from Central Park Zoo have confirmed that a ferocious beast, approximately the height of the Chrysler building, escaped at 01 30 this morning. The creature, which is set by locals to closely resemble a tall man in a styrofoam alligator costume, is currently heading west on 9th Avenue. Citizens are advised to remain in their homes and lock their windows and doors for the foreseeable future. This hourly news bulletin was sponsored by Enron. It's Always Sunny in California. Just ask Phil Gramm, now back to our regularly scheduled program.