Will and Ned's Excellent Adventure



I provided the narration for this animated explainer video. The media here is audio only but the video is available on YouTube by searching \"Will and Ned's Excellent Adventure\"

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
on saturday. Will and his partner ned celebrated their 10 year anniversary. Will have been planning for months and at breakfast presented ned with a gift. Can you believe it's been 10 years? Go on open it inside, ned found two tickets to the broadway show he had wanted to see for years Hamilton's. Oh honey, that's amazing. Thank you. Where are we going tonight? Our flight to new york leaves at noon and we have seven throw seats for the eight o'clock show. Meanwhile, back at the water cooler on monday morning, a coworker of Wills asks him a seemingly simple question. So what'd you do this weekend? Will Will finds himself doing some mental calisthenics and he's barely had a sip of coffee. The first question he asked to ask himself is have I opened up to this person, have I told the monday? Let's assume that the answer to that question is yes. The second question will ask himself is, but have they got it yet? Are they educated? And do they have a level of awareness about L G B T Q two plus inclusion? Let's assume the answer to that question is also yes. The result will gets to share his excellent adventure and starts work feeling energized and part of the team lapse time. Five minutes. But let's go back to the first question. Have I opened up to this person and assume the answer is no. In this scenario, will find himself going through the panic of trying to hide his identity. Sometimes referred to as code switching. Not much. I play with a friend. Do I know her? Is this someone you're dating? No she she's just a friend. So what show did you see just a local production but how was your weekend in this situation? We find will being evasive and lying. He's doing everything he can to ensure his coworkers don't find out he's ***. But let's change the scenario of it. Let's assume for the question, have I opened up to this person that the answer is yes but for the question have they got it yet? The answer is no we find will playing a very different role in this scenario. Will takes on the role of educator. He finds himself dealing with people Miss jen during his partner thinking of ned as his business partner or roommate and generally dealing with his coworkers, ignorance and lack of awareness. That can be a huge emotional and mental burden for Will and it's not his actual job in either situation Will starts his workday feeling drained down about lying, appearing evasive or unfriendly and generally just feeling like he's not part of the team laps time and eternity. But what does a situation like this actually cost employers? Because there is a cost warning there is about to be math. Let's assume that an L. G. B. T. Q. Two plus person working for an organization that is not inclusive spends on average 15 minutes of their workday Educating people or being evasive, there are 124,800 minutes in a work year. Give or take based on the original assumption. That would mean each L. G. B. T. Q. Two plus person in an organization that isn't inclusive, spends 3900 minutes of their work year. Educating people on L. G. B. T. Q. To bless inclusion or masking their identity essentially they waste 65 hours per year doing something that they shouldn't have to do and that their employer is paying them for the median individual income in Canada and the United States is around $50,000. If an L. G. B. T. Q. Two plus person is wasting 65 hours educating or being evasive that means $1562.50 of their annual salary is going to something that isn't their job. Let's assume that 5% of the population is L. G. B. T. Q. Two plus. The research is all over the place on this for a variety of reasons but it's safe to say that 5% is realistic if not potentially a bit low. Now let's assume that 20 percent of L. G. B. T. Q. Two plus people are not out at work. There are a variety of studies to support this. A 2016 study found that 57% of L. G. B. T. Q. Two plus Canadians are not fully out of work. But to keep these numbers conservative will stick with 20%. That means that 1% of the total workforce population is wasting $1562.50 sense of their annual salary. The Canadian workforce includes just under 21 million people. The United States workforce is just under 100 and 66 million people. That means 1% of the Canadian workforce is just over 200,000. And in the United States it's 1.6 million. Based on those numbers, Canadian employers are wasting 321,621,000 $875. And american employers are wasting $259,203,232,812.50. All because they're not creating inclusive spaces for L. G. B. T. Q. Two plus people. And remember these numbers are conservative. What do you think is it worth it to ensure your workplace is L. G. B. T. Q two plus inclusive