Commercial Demo - Mikee Joaquin

Television Ad


Commercial Demo reel demonstrating multiple styles of reads.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Brown flatbread, stringy melty cheese sauce that burns the roof of your mouth because you just couldn't wait to take a bite. Here, this is what dreams are made of. No. Seriously. Last night I dreamt I was riding on a flying pizza into the sunset. Now here I am carrying out a toasty Domino's Wheel of cheesy saucy goodness. Oh, wow, that's hot. Watch out for those teeth. Jurassic world. Dominion jumps off the screen and into your hands with the super colossal gigantic source action figure measuring more than three ft long. This mighty beast gobbles up the little guy's hole, open up the stomach compartment on the massive dial to release the prey and replay the action over and over. Many figures sold separately available. Now on Amazon, we can never completely rid the world of sickness, but we can work to keep it at bay. We're reimagining health care solutions and making your wellness our top priority. We are Johnson and Johnson these days. I'm always on the go. It's hard to find time to buy toilet paper. Much less go to the pet store. That's why I'm glad Chey has a subscription service for dog food. I just select the items I want to auto ship, set a schedule and they come right to my door. Probably ought to try that with toilet paper too. Come to think of it. Me Pro from Oculus Game changing innovation, unforgettable performance. They're simple and then they're simply natural ingredients. Melding into a tasty juice. What more do you really need?