Podcast Intro Sample, Introduction, Podcasting, Voice Edit, Business

Profile photo for Michael Messmer
Not Yet Rated


This sample was put together from listening to hours of podcasts on business and improvement. The podcast mentioned isn't real but, the way you introduce your podcast can make or break whether listeners will stick around for your amazing content.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It's time for your business to make a quantum leap. Welcome to Q B L. Quantum business lee podcast with your host, Michael Messmer. This episode, you'll go on a deep dive where guest Mark VErnon discusses getting off the excuse train so you can live up to the purpose for which you started your business excuses are really the death knell of business for you to succeed. You have to create your vision of your purpose fulfilled while simultaneously taking the next step toward fulfilling email telemarketers, social media. Even telling yourself I'm working on my business is just a diversion from the real work that will accelerate you to success. Q B L is sponsored by International Supercomputer. We turn information into results. Now, here is your host, Michael Messmer.