
Profile photo for Michael Salzano
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PSA for Calfresh

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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
getting the day started can be a real mission and having served in the military. I know you gotta look out for your people like putting food on the table even when money's type. That's why I signed up for cal fresh. It's extra money for groceries that can be used just like a debit card. Sure I was reluctant at first I didn't think I'd be eligible. But it turns out I was and it was easy to apply. I had zero excuses and two big reasons. Okay let's go reading version two. Getting day started can be a real mission and having served in the military. I know you've got to look after your people like putting food on the table even when money is tight. That's why I signed up for CAl Fresh. It's extra money for groceries that can be used just like a debit card. Sure I was reluctant at first I didn't think I would be eligible. But it turns out I was and it was easy to apply. I had zero excuses and two big reasons. Okay let's go