Bank Commercial

Profile photo for Michael Sokol
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Radio Commercial for Florence Savings Bank, Northampton, MA

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
fed up with bad service and paying high fees for your checking account with one of the big banks of America. But think switching banks is too much of a hassle? Not anymore. When you switch to a local banking at Florence Savings Bank, we will get a personal switch specialist who will make switching banks hassle free. You're switch specialist will guide you through the entire process from helping you choose from three free checking account options to helping you transfer your accounts, including setting up your pays and automatic deposits. That's right. They'll do all the work for you. It doesn't get any easier than that. At Florence Savings Bank. You'll be welcomed with outstanding customer service by a local bank that's been serving its customers and its community for 140 years. And when you switch now, they'll give you a thank you gift for becoming a customer. Say goodbye to the fees and switch to the local bank that has consistently voted the best bank in the Valley floor in Savings Bank. Remember F D I, C and member D I F.