Commercial Reel

Profile photo for Michelle Lukes
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


A collection of commercial reads.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
when your head is pounding, reach for aladin extra To relieve your headache, use a powerful combination of paracetamol, aspirin and caffeine amid an extra. Gets to work fast in just five minutes. Stronger pain. Fashion for every occasion delivered free next day. Very dot co dot UK The future is not ours to see, but it is ours to create to make wildly different than anything we've known before at BMW Way believe the best way to predict the future is too clean. Let's tell the world we're going to show them Introducing the all new BMW seven series. Make it a summer vale Love with brands When you spread the cost interest free, that's little waves. Touch. Don't go to Paris. Talk Paris. Please don't do Paris. I live in Paris. When you Airbnb, you have your own home. Make your bed cook, you know, stuff you normally do. Do your regular routine. Don't go to L. A. I go to New York. Don't go to Tokyo, live in Malibu, live in the East Village, live in Goa. Feel at home anywhere. Wherever you go. Don't go there, even if it's just for one night. You have the power to feel free on our network way have our best ever network. You contest for 30 days, and if it's not for you, just walk away. New 30 day network guarantee from voting Next toast with Philadelphia and Raspberry Jam. Oh, welcome. TTO heaven dosed with Philly and honey In you come Oh, dear. Burnt Toast and Marjorie NW Security and next Philadelphia and Black Currant Preserve. Lovely. Lift your breakfast with Philadelphia. You're young, you're facing the unknown and you're alone. It's just you on your camera alone in the wild Wednesday Brand new to discovery to do great things. Sometimes you've got to break the rules. Surface pro Form A new screen for new perspectives. A new pen for new masterpieces. New speakers for a new sound. We have reinvented the surface so you can reinvent everything else. New surface pro for a tablet that can replace you