Elder Grandfather Character Voice

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This character voice is an older grandfather type, sometimes with an attitude.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US New England - Boston, Providence)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
father had acquired quite a number of vacant lots in Battle Creek, which he hoped would increase in value. These lots re cultivated and used for growing vegetables and small fruits before daylight. In the summer time, we boys were rooted out of bed to wheat Berries and vegetables or to root, bunch and wash Huggins. And that is for the local markets. My father was not as insistent upon my attending school regularly as some fathers. When I was a boy in school, the teacher thought I was dimwit it because I had difficulty reading the blackboard. I was 20 years old before I myself found out What was the man you say when you lose your sense of sight? The others become Maura cute. But I have discovered that is not always the case are something more than my magic boy. I am also losing my ability. Teoh here to feel before darkness surrounded me. I had one last vision. I thought I could run from him. I thought I could change his mind. I thought he had abandoned me. But I've learned you can run from God, but you can't outrun him. Get out. No, you're good I just can't stand the baby talk. I'm a grown man. I don't need to be talked to like an ember self. Let me tell you something. Having people talk to you like you have dimension does not light in the mood. I know you meant well, though. Just knock it off and save it for the folks in here who are already losing it.