Derbyshire Spirit

Profile photo for Charlie Sanderson
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Adult female Derbyshire accent for a video on line to promote hope, good health and help to support people during Lockdown.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - East Midlands, Leicester) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
we know these are strange times that usually be hikers and bikers, just silent hills where Children usually play just padlocks and fences where shoppers usually chatter and bustle just empty streets and squares. It's a strange situation. Made no mistake. We know everything seems a little uncertain and on familiar right now, but we are Derbyshire and nothing shakes our spirits. We've been here before through war time. Three plagues through floats. What carries us through is our Darvish, a spirit well, we are the home of hope. After all. We don't have time to sit around worrying about it. We're standing together to support each other from Bakewell two books Tin from Bowls Over to Bell Pepper because our spirit is unique and comes from the amazing people that make up our county. It's Children making cards of sunshine and rainbows. It's food donations from restaurants and shops. It's free parking and discounts for key workers. It's connecting neighbours on what's happened online. It's delivering food and prescriptions for the most vulnerable. It's all of us coming together, doing our bit. We're all part of this. In every home there might be a few tears, but that's because we care about each other and when all of the system Derbyshire will be open for business again. And we'll have kept the life love unl after flowing like the Derwent in the Trent because there's always a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and that's our Darvish, his spirit.