Story telling

Profile photo for Mika Anand
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Indian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
and climbed to the very top of the birds tree and look down. He could badly make out his own Antal. He sat down on Leaf and said to himself, I will arrest you for a while and then climbed back down again. The rooms of an and family are very strict. As soon as the sun begins to set, all the ANC's must hurry home. When the Santa said they close all the tunnels and go to sleep. If an aunt his lead, he has to spend the night outdoors. The sun was dipping towards the forest and still sat there on the leaf. I have plenty of time. It would take long to run down, he said to himself. Believe he was sitting on was not a good leaf at all. It was yellow and try. A sudden gust of wind tore it off the branch and carried it over the forest over the river in a way over the village, and hung on to the leave for dear life.