Voice Over Demo

Profile photo for Mikayla Little
Not Yet Rated


It showcases two \"did you know\" type roles and one up-beat seller role.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Did you know that Germany's October fest beer is one leader at a time? Did you know 13 people are killed each year by vending machines falling on them? Hello and thank you for interest in new sparkling meadows. Water Fountain by Supply Otik We hope that you and your client's students or patients will be very pleased with our exceptional products and great support. The three features that are marketing team are quite excited about on the new sparkling medals Water Fountain Dollar, a newly designed T 56 antibacterial known spit collecting melts bo dual water dispensing bars for great ease of drinking from different angles and the crowning achievement of the fountain. The brand new penny pincher spelt it helps you save money by allowing you to refill your water balls way have supply. Oh, check. Thank you for your interest in her new sparkling medals water fountain and our sales people hope to hear from you very soon.