Political Voiceover - Male, Candid, Serious, Progressive, Conservative

Radio Ad


Political Advertisements for various candidates and issues.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
main schools have suffered under Governor paul Lepage, he pushed to eliminate all state funding for head start programs and slashed funding for public schools, saying that if kids want a good education, they should go to a private school and that quote, if you can't afford it, tough luck when it comes to keeping our streets safe. We need smart principled and compassionate leaders on the bench and no one fits that description. Like judge Brett, Lovelace, the experience and conviction we need on the bench, they say our electric rates are skyrocketing again. We pay a lot more because electric companies can't get enough gas through existing pipelines, so more pipelines would mean lower prices. That's right. So what's stopping it in new york? There's a bipartisan tradition of elected officials releasing their tax return, But Aaron Wolf refuses invested in big oil, big tobacco and big banks. We have no idea if Aaron Wolf is paying his fair share after 34 years in office, what has Nathan Deal's experience gotten us? It hasn't helped Georgia's middle class and it sure didn't help us in the ice storm. Remember that Georgia, it's time for a new way forward?