Other Story Telling

Profile photo for Mike Gordon
Not Yet Rated


Clips from past projects

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Voice Age

Senior (55+)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
nestled deep within a valley was the little village of Walton. It was a quiet, peaceful one. Horse town, free from the trends and troubles of a fast paced world. My name is walker Gray, and if I had to introduce the girl, I'd begin by saying, she reappeared as so many others have nameless and stripped to the bone in the dark of the woods. I've gone steadily downhill and on that day in 1930 for I lay upstairs in the hospital, knowing for the first time that I was utterly hopeless. Lois was downstairs and dr Silk Worth was trying in his gentle way to tell her what was wrong with me and that I was hopeless bored with the movies and slipping into that half awake state common for long flights, I switched the entertainment screen to locate myself in the world. Are king across the globe. I'm flying from Australia to europe a 24 hour hall. As I stare at the screen, the borders strike me, their lines drawn in ink.