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Pollie and Addy Award Winning SAG AFTRA, Union Political voice - on call for your 2020 election needs. Hard-hitting attack to friendly persuasion...whatever the mood or attitude,
Mike Shepherd nails it for winning voiceover that wins em over.

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Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
In his 12 years in office, Norm Wimmer doubled the state's debt. He tripled spending. She's not just our congresswoman. She's a neighbor, a part of our community. Let's send Marcy Kaptur back to Washington. David Faircloth running on integrity factor clear. Faircloth has no law degree, as he claims, or any experience in public office whatsoever. If ballot measure five passes on November 5th, it'll be like handing the cons the keys. There's something rotten in City Hall. The Casper Star Tribune says 20 FBI agents are investigating the city and Mayor Charlie Powell while Washington fights. Matt Rosendale goes to work. He lied. Councilman Ben Casey doctored the books when he told us about the city budget deficit. He didn't talk about record unemployment. Home is where we raise our families and we're a neighbor. Lends a hand. That's Josh Weingartner. Carl Rochelle is at it again. One lie after another. One side says you cut taxes. Thea other You raise taxes. Carl Coffee says we could get by without federal funding. How massive tax increases. And with Prop. Five, it gets even better. Mawr access less traffic, No new tax cutting, spending and balancing budgets, leadership we know and trust Re elect Brian Schweitzer, Governor