3 Problems - Passionate_Presentation

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Since the beginning of time, mankind has tried to solve three fundamental problems. Authentication. People need to identify themselves and others. Over time, different methods of authentication have been invented. Tattoos, jade, seal, coat of arms and today everybody has a passport, security and crowd management. People gather for different events, therefore need crowd management and criminals have to be identified movement of goods. People had to move merchandise from the very beginning of time. This is why the Silk Road existed and why large markets sprung up not just in the east but also in the West. Thes three problems have Onley become bigger and more challenging. In today's world, with 7.6 billion people, products worth more than 900 $1,000,000,000 were sold by Amazon and Alibaba and more than $80 trillion global GDP annually. Solving these problems provides massive opportunities, better management of crowds at major events. It's murder cities, frictionless border control, intelligent manufacturing, more secure financial services. This market is so big it could be worth one trillion U. S. Dollars, one and Onley. One company can solve these problems