Better Health Care - Calm_Compassion_Empathy

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the prevalence of chronic diseases is steadily increasing. This leads to poor health, high health care costs and premature deaths. This is a global problem, with the World Health Organization estimating that 35 million deaths are caused by chronic diseases and rising a chronic disease is an illness that continues for a long time, often requiring many medications. Chronic diseases generally cannot be prevented by vaccines or cured by medication, nor do they just disappear. The most common chronic diseases include cardiovascular disease, such as hypertension and strokes. Cancer such as breast and colon cancer and diabetes, smoking, lack of physical activity, alcohol and poor diet are major contributors. Toe leading chronic diseases, preventing and screening for diseases before they start have been identified as the best ways to prevent the rise and chronic diseases. However, in primary care, most family doctors lack the time, resources and tools to prevent chronic diseases in a comprehensive way. Traditional models of healthcare focus on one disease, but to prevent chronic diseases, we need a comprehensive approach. This is where the better program comes in. Led by Dr Eva Grunfeld and Dr Donna Minka, Better takes a comprehensive approach by carefully combining the best available evidence to inform patients about their chronic disease risk and how to improve their overall health. Better has clinicians, policymakers, researchers and patients working together to improve chronic disease prevention and screening better trains, frontline health care professionals to become experts and prevention the's better prevention practitioners are trained to use the tools and prevention recommendations developed by better prevention. Practitioners come from many backgrounds, including nurses, dieticians, pharmacists and public health nurses. Training last for two days with groups of an average of 12 prevention practitioners. Procession better addresses the root causes of chronic diseases. It is unique because of the comprehensive approach that prevention practitioners take to addressing prevention of heart disease, Diabetes, cancer as well as underlying lifestyle risk factors better creates a personalized prevention prescription. It allows the prevention practitioner to consider the person's personal medical history, family history and lifestyle factors. The patient's personalized prevention prescription includes combined recommendations relevant to them, action planning, setting goals and linking to available resources in their locality. The researchers involved in developing better found that the approach produces a 37% improvement in prevention and screening for chronic diseases. It is also effective for patients with mental health concerns specifically better lead to improvements and screening for blood pressure, cancer, alcohol, smoking and nutrition, as well as referrals for physical activity and weight monitoring. The better program can save millions of dollars in health care costs by preventing chronic diseases.