Entrepreneur - Friendly_Trustworthy_Happy

Profile photo for Martin Bliss
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Meet Bob Bob has a comfortable enough life and a comfortable enough job with a comfortable enough home in a comfortable enough part of town. He also has an alternate identity as an entrepreneur running a small administration services agency. It's staffed by Bob and his wife, Hilda, and they do their work every evening after their three Children are in bed. But there's a problem. Bob and Hilda want their evenings back. They miss the salsa dancing class they used to take together, and they like to spend their time together doing something other than work. Bob's thought about giving up his agency, but he loves the work, and they do it well. He's also considered quitting his day job and working with Hilden, his agency, all day long. But he's afraid that would make a big drop in their household income, and he wants his family to stay uncomfortable. That's right, I can't let you guys down, but I don't get a lot of time with you, and I worry that that's letting you down, too. So here's the deep truth Bob really needs to hear right now,