Medical Report - English With Latin American accent

Video Narration


Narration used on a (elderly care video)

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Spanish (Latino) Spanish (South American - Colombian) Spanish (South American - General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Good morning and happy monday. Here's an update of a couple of her residents as you get ready for your shift. Mr Morrison was very agitated last night and was a bit aggressive. He kept refusing to take his medication even though I tried several times. Finally on the 3rd attempt, I just gave up. What can you do? I can force him to take his pills. Maybe his dementia is getting worse now. On a happier note, mrs Johansson seems to be feeling better since she finished the course of antibiotics for her urinary track infection. She was actually very talkative and mentioned something about a dog. I don't think her daughter has brought their dog recently. Maybe she just misses him because she seems to like pets. Perhaps we can encourage her to see the therapy pony during the next visit. It would be great if we could get her more involved in social activities rather than staying in her room so much.