Conversational- Dynamic- Engaging- Upbeat- Corporate Video

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Video Narration


Vo for Encina

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Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
We've developed a revolutionary and sustainable way to transform waste plastics into new products. The only problem is that it's leading to a lot of trash. Talking nice lid, bro. Oh, tell your mom, I'll see you later as my new lay says. But advanced recycling has changed the conversation. I used to feel so empty inside. Now I'm full of light. We can build a future in which nothing is wasted. That's what we call a circular economy. Private. You smell like failure in corn chips. Now get out there and make something of yourself because we can recycle the plastics that used to end up in landfills. Oceans or worth girl. You were just a one time thing move over because you can't compete and turn that plastic waste into shiny new plastic items. Look, all it took was a little heat to break me down. Oh, yeah. Now you can't keep your hands off me. Here's the best part. Advanced recycling technologies allow plastics to be recycled and reused indefinitely, which means your trash really can become a treasure. Eat your heart out plastic grocery bag. But let's start at the beginning. Watch our video series to get the full circular picture. First up is one about plastics.